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发表于 2006-10-26 11:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

姓名    : 修乃华
性别    :男
学历    :博士
职称    :教授,博士生导师
研究方向: 运筹学;最优化理论、算法及其应用

他多年从事于“最优化理论、算法及应用”方面的研究。先后单独或合作撰写专著一本;编写研究生教材一本;发表论文50余篇,其中SCI检索论文26篇,SCI引用100次。它们分别刊登在该领域中顶尖级国际杂志《SIAM J. Optimization》、《Math. Programming》、《Numer. Math.》等上。还有国际杂志《Appl. Math.Optim》、《J。Global Optim》、《JOTA》、《Comput. Optim. Appl.》、《J.Math. Anal. Appl.》等。涉及该领域内的多个方向:非线性规划、变分不等式与互补、均衡优化、大范围优化、对策与决策、最优化技术在经济与交通等中的应用。特别是对变分不等式与互补问题的研究取得了重要成果(5个方面),如首次提出一个求解互补问题的具有大范围线性与局部二次收敛性的非内点连续法。其结果在网上宣布即得到国际著名优化专家(如Mangasarian, Burke, Fukushima, Tseng, Kanzow, Qi)的承认。此文至今被国内外引用40多次,其中SCI检索论文33篇。此后在这方面又做了一系列工作。
最近,在国际著名优化专家J.S.Pang出版的专著中,有一节专门介绍非内点法,且引用了他的5篇论文。自1991-2000年的10年中,有中国人参与的高影响数学论文共有43篇(全世界共有论文1781篇),他刊登在1999年《SIAM J. Optimization》的文章排在第22位。
近5年内,他在北京交通大学完成了中国博士后基金与国家自然科学基金项目各一项,正在主持教育部留学回国人员启动基金项目“变分与互补问题非内点算法的进一步研究”与国家自然科学基金项目“均衡优化问题的投影与非内点算法研究”,最近刚批准一项教育部重点基金项目“广义纳什均衡理论与算法研究”,正在参与北京交大校重点基金项目、香港城市大学研究基金资助项目(3项),并到香港城市大学作为研究员(Research Fellow)工作累计近2年,多次参加国际学术会议并作邀请报告。曾获得过中科院院长奖学金优秀奖、中科院亿利达奖和第五届北京青年优秀论文个人三等奖。2004年获得教育部“新世纪优秀人才”。

1.韩继业、修乃华、戚后铎,《非线性互补理论与算法》,科学前沿丛书,上海科技出版社, 2005年2-3月将出版。
1.*  (SCI)  B.Chen and N.H.Xiu (1999), “A global linear and local quadratic non-interior continuation method for NCP based on Chen-Mangasarian smoothing functions”,  SIAM J. Optimization, 9(3), 605-623.
2.     (SCI)  N.H.Xiu (1999), “On one-step quadratic convergence of the noninterior continuation method for complementarity problems”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 44:20, 1858-1862.
3.    (SCIE)  N.H.Xiu (1999), “On the linear convergence of PC-Method for VIP”,  J. Compu. Math., 17:2, 199-208.
4.    (SCI)  J.Z.Zhang and N.H.Xiu (1999), “Local uniqueness of solutions to the extended linear complementarity problem”,  J. Optim. Theory Appl., 103(3), 715-726.
5.* (SCI)  J.Z.Zhang and N.H.Xiu (2000), “Global s-type error bound for the extended linear complementarity problem and applications”, Math. Programming, 88(2), 391-410.
6.*  (SCIE)  C.Y.Wang and N.H.Xiu (2000), “Convergence of projected gradient methods for generalized convex minimization”, Comput. Optim. Appl., Vol.16, 111-120.
7.*  (SCI)  N.H.Xiu, C.Y.Wang and J.Z. Zhang (2001), “Convergence properties of the projection and contraction methods for monotone variational inequalities”, Appl. Math. Optim., Vol. 43, 147-168.
8.     (SCI)  N. H. Xiu, J. Zhang and M. A. Noor (2001), “Tangent  projection equations and general variational inequalities”,  J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 258 (2), 755-762.
9.     (SCIE)  N.H.Xiu and J.Z.Zhang (2001), “A smoothing Gauss-Newton method for the generalized  HLCP”,  J. Compu. Appl. Math., Vol. 129, 195-208.
10. (SCIE)  N.H.Xiu and Z.Gao (2001), “Convergence of a modified SLP algorithm for the extended linear complementarity problem”,  Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 22(5), 602-608.
11. (SCI) Y.J. Wang, N.H. Xiu and C.Y. Wang (2001), “A unified framework of extragradient-type methods   for pseudomonotone variational inequalities”, J. Optim. Theory Appl. , Vol. 111 (3), 641-656.
12.* (SCI)  Y. Wang, N.H. Xiu and C.Y. Wang (2001), “A new version of extragradient method for variational inequality problems”,  Computer Math. Appl., Vol. 42 (6/7), 969-979.
13. (SCI) J.Z.Zhang and N.H.Xiu (2001), “Local convergence behavior of some projection-type methods  for affine variational inequalities”, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 108 (1), 205-216.
14.* (SCI)  B.Chen and N.H.Xiu (2001), “A superlinear noninterior one-step continuation method for monotone LCP in the absence of strict complementarity”,  J. Optim. Theory Appl., 108 (2), 317-332.
15. (SCI)  N.H. Xiu and J.Z. Zhang (2002),  “On a characteristic quantity of P-matrices”,  Appl. Math.  Letters., Vol. 15 (1), 41-46.
16.* (SCI)  N. H. Xiu and J. Zhang (2002), “Global projection-type error bounds for general variational inequalities”,  J. Optim. Theory Appl., Vol. 112 (1), 213-228.
17.* (SCI) N.H. Xiu and J. Zhang (2002), “Local convergence analysis of projection-type algorithms: a  unified approach”,  J. Optim. Theory Appl., Vol. 115, 211-230.
18.* (SCI)  J.Z. Zhang and N.H. Xiu (2002), “New projection-type methods for monotone LCP with finite termination”,  Numer. Math., Vol. 92, 179-195 .
19. (SCI) Yiju Wang, Naihua Xiu and Jianzhong Zhang (2003), “Modified extragradient method for  variational inequalities and verification of solution existence”, J. Optimization Theory and Applications,  Vol. 119, 167-183.
20. (SCIE) M.A. Noor, Yiju Wang, and Naihua Xiu (2003), “Some new projection methods for variational inequalities”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 137, 423-435.
21. (SCI) J.Z. Zhang, Changyu Wang and Naihua Xiu (2003), “The dual gap function for variational inequalities”, Appl. Math. Optim., Vol. 48 , 129-148.
22. (SCIE) N. H. Xiu and J. Zhang (2003), “Some recent advances in projection-type methods for variational inequalities”,  J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol. 152, 559-585.
23.* (SCI) N. H. Xiu and J. Zhang (2003), “Identification of optimal active set in noninterior continuation method for LCP”,  J. Global Optim., Vol. 26 (2), 183-198.
24.  (SCI) N. H. Xiu, Y. J. Wang and X. S. Zhang (2004), “On modified fixed-point equations and related iterative methods for variational inequalities”, Computer Math. Appl., Online.
J. Zhang (2003), “Identification of optimal active set in noninterior continuation method for LCP”,  J. Global Optim., Vol. 26 (2), 183-198.
24.  (SCI) N. H. Xiu, Y. J. Wang and X. S. Zhang (2004), “On modified fixed-point equations and related iterative methods for variational inequalities”, Computer Math. Appl., Online.
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