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发表于 2005-7-10 20:13
S. Mac Lane(GTM 5, p.108):
Put differently, good general theory does not search for the maximum generality, but for the right generality.
James Joseph Sylvester(from the book "algebra" by M.Artin):
The more to do or to prove, the easier the doing or the proof.
David Hilbert(from the book "algebra" by M.Artin):
Immer mit den einfachsten Beispielen anfangen.
做科学, 重要的是思想,是方法,是角度,是创新,是科学的训练和不断努力的付出。
丁肇中(1976年诺贝尔物理学奖) 2004年2月27日在山东大学演讲时说:
F.Hirzebruch (Development of Mathematics 1950-2000, p.1236):
A simple idea may lead to something very beautiful and important.
Augustus De Morgan (1837):
The science of algebra, independently of any of its uses, has all the advantages which belong to mathematics in general as an object of study, and which it is not necessary to enumerate. Viewed either as a science of quantity, or as a language of symbols, it may be made of the greatest service to those who are sufficiently acquainted with arithemetic, and who have sufficient power of comprehension to enter fairly upon its difficulties.
Isaac Newton:
What we know is a drop, what we don';t know, an ocean.
Novalis (1799):
Wer ein mathematisches Buch nicht mit Andacht ergreift und es, wie Gottes Wort liesst, der versteht es nicht. ( English translation: He who does not take a mathematical book with reverence and reads it like God';s word, does not understand it.)
Die Musik hat viel Aehnlichkeit mit der Algeber. ( English translation: Music has much resemblance to algebra.)
M.Eigen(1967年化学Nobel奖获得者)and R.Winkler(Eigen的同事)
在《Das Spiel》一书写道:
Die erschoepfische Leistung in der Mathematik besteht nicht in der blossen Anwendung, sondern im intuitiven Auffinden neuer Algorithmen.
L.Henkin at ICME, 1980
One of the big misapprehension about mathematics that we perpetrate in our classrooms is that the teacher always seems know the answer to any problem that is discussed. This gives students the idea that there is a book somewhere with all the right answers to all of the interesting questions, and that teachers know those answers. And if one could get hold of the book, one would have everything settled. That';s so unlike the true natural mathematics.
李政道(2000.5.26 回答《新闻调查》时)说:
C.M.Ringel (1987):
Mathematische Forschung bedarf vor allem der Moeglichkeit intensiver Konzentration und des Gedankaustauschs verschiedener Mathematiker. (惠昌常译: 数学研究首要的是聚精汇神的思考和不同数学家之间的思想交流.)
God used beautiful mathematics to create the world.
刘太平(《数学传播》,vol.103, (2002):
David W. Farmer:
Mathematics is discovered by looking at examples, noticing patterns, making conjectures, and testing those conjectures. Once discovered, the final results get organized and put in textbook. The details and the excitement of the discovering are lost.